a system for a stolen world

a system for a stolen world

yeah i guess you can have one of these but whatever dude. what the fuck ever. 

“Ah William, we’re weary of weather,” said the sunflowers, shining with dew. “Our traveling habits have tired us; can you give us a room with a view? Type shit

What do players keep track of?
their DICE and their NOTES 
every player character has three kinds of dice; Emperors Grace, and two others specific to the character. You track them separately. all dice are d6 unless specified otherwise.
Emperor's Grace
Starts at 0, and, if it's above 0, drops to 0 when you sleep, or after combat.
when you do sleep, +2 dice for each filling meal that day that was not stolen from Angbora. Better quality meals let you roll d8 instead of d6 whenever you spend Emperor's Grace, until you sleep.
you may go into Hunger-Debt with Emperor's Grace, spending it as normal and noting -1, -2, -3 etc.
If your Hunger-Debt ever drops below -13, you have died of starvation. Hunger-Debt, obviously, is not cleared by sleeping or concluding combat.

when you take an action, spend any number of dice of any relevant types, then roll them all. if any are 5-6+ the action is successful.

once you have rolled your dice, you may Strain to increase the value of any given die by 1 by spending an additional die of any kind. (so if you spend and roll 3 of your 6 dice and the highest result is a 4, you can spend another die to increase that 4 to a 5). 

If more than 1 die shows 5-6, you can perform a Feat; take another action for each 5-6 and it will automatically succeed. A Feat can be any kind of action, free of the restrictions that your dice might otherwise impose. A Feat can also be an additional wound inflicted in combat. You can Strain to make Feats possible.

if it is possible for another character to aid you with this action, they may spend and roll their own dice and you may count their successes as your own. 
go easy on ol mr blanche here he couldn't help getting suckered by nfts he's a gen X man they don't have natural antibodies against that sort of thing
when initiative is not decided by ambush, each side tallies the reason the other should fear them. the side with more reasons to be feared goes first. 
when combat begins, everyone should note their current dice values, and track them separately. call these values "combat dice" or something. 

when taking turns is relevant, take as many actions as you want on your turn but each one that requires a roll of course means you spend 1 or more dice.

while in combat:
at the beginning of your turn, your combat dice replenish to the value they were when combat started.
if you Strain in combat, that spent die does not replenish at the start of your turn, meaning it reduces your combat die value for the rest of combat. If you only have 1 total combat die left, you can't strain.
when you attack in combat, spend and roll dice like you would for any other action. on a 5-6 you can roll on a wound table and apply it to an enemy you can reach. Feats apply like normal.
Enemies your size or smaller will usually be defeated after 1 wound, enemies larger than you will take more. If you're eyeballing d&d monsters, use 1 wound per 2 HD, minimum 1, and adjust from there.

when you're attacked in combat, you roll a save, spending and rolling dice like you would for any other action. If you get a 5-6 you are unharmed by a single attack (so multiple attacks will require multiple successes to avoid entirely). Feats apply like normal. If you're eyeballing d&d monsters, use 1 attack per 2 HD, minimum 1, and adjust from there.

Injury and Death
You will not die in combat, unless an enemy strikes you with an attack that would kill you. Most enemies cannot use those attacks until you have already been wounded, or until some other condition is met (you are blinded, pinned, etc.) 
In combat, your wounds have only their in-fiction effects; you cannot throw a spear with an arm you don't have. 

Out of combat, any wounded character must spend 2 dice to roll 1. The GM will let you know how much time you have left, but in general, you will die with untreated wounds after 3 days. 
Fabrizio DurĂ¡n??? i think??? its pinterest city when you try to source this i fear  
the Wounded Call the Hounds
the first time anyone is wounded in combat, the GM will roll 1d6 twice. 
The first roll determines how many Hounds are in the area.
1-2: 1d6 unbodied + 2d6 Hosts
3-4: 1d4 unbodied + 1d6 Hosts
5: 1d4 unbodied
6: None

the second determines how close they are
1-2: there are Hounds close enough to have scented the wounded and who even now race towards their panicked psyche.
3-4: the Hounds are 3 or 4 turns away, depending
5-6: the Hounds are 5-6 turns away, depending 

Hound Hosts
the frantic idiot fuck puppets of the hounds. want to torture you horribly but can't slow down enough to. the invisible god-dog in their brain is chewing it out of existence. man as we were meant to be.
can take 1d3 wounds.
If you can get a Hound Host to run through really rough terrain, or if you're chased by them for a full day, they take a wound automatically.
cannot stop moving, so unless they are cornered, only 1 attack on their turn. If they are cornered, that jumps up to 3.

Hounds of Id
the hunting dogs of the master. the horrible disgusting absent soul of man. an invisible thing that you can't feel until its in your mind eating your brain and in your body running you till you break. 
can't be killed, though they're afraid of fire and thick, foul smelling smoke.
try to crawl into your brain; you can save against this like you would vs any other action.

If the dying do not run deathless with the Hounds, and do, in fact, die, they are finally eaten by Angbora. After 1d4 days, his servants; emaciated, double jointed and rubbery, crawl from cracks in the ground or holes in trees, fold up their corpses and take them away. 

everyone say hi julia lilard

This covers inventory, wounds, curses, blessings, etc. Mostly Notes are made during play as stuff happens to your character, but your choice of character gives you a selection of starting Notes.

In addition to that, one character should note the Lead Spear that the party possess.

Lead Spear
a splinter of Virset. Must be carried in two hands. Too heavy and religiously cumbersome to be used as a weapon. 

When rooted into the earth, grows long nail-branches, which melt into marble-heavy teardrops when uprooted. impale a living thing on a branch and kiss the spear, and, so long as you can see the spear, all kin of that creature will fear you until you wake from your next sleep. They will not attack you unless provoked, and, if you do engage in combat with them, you will automatically go first. To renew the effect, you must impale another living thing.

When player's characters die, the next 6 living things impaled on the spear  (where they shudder and jolt with invisible power) have no effect until the 7th is impaled. The corpses vanish, and the spear rushes skyward silently before descending on the human corpse nearest to where it stood, which is animated with all of the dead character's memories. 

get a grip. i shouldn't be the one putting you onto plastiboo in 2025
