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João Ruas u sly dog |
those who harvest wood, hunt, and forage for food wear clay masks decorated with grotesque and gaudy painted patterns that hides their identities from themselves and those around them. This is so that Angbora will not know who is stealing from them. This fate is usually reserved for prisoners of war and criminals, since the masks render their wearers servile and obedient. Your mask broke, and you are regaining your agency, though not your memories.
DICE (spend to take actions/attack/save against harm. come in different flavors, tracked separately)
Emperor's Grace: drops to 0 when you sleep. Then, +2 dice for each
filling meal that day that was not stolen from Angbora. Better quality meals let you roll a bigger die.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Positioning: each consecutive turn ended in a place harder to reach than the turn before, +1 Positioning dice. saving allows the GM to move you around, force you from vantage points, into corners, etc.
Actions: movement
Attacks: quick, light
Saves: anything dodge-able
Gathering: +X dice where X is the number of unique rare ingredients used in or consumed directly before the action, attack, or save. Using Gathering dice consumes any ingredients used.
Actions: any suited for the ingredients
Attacks: as above
Saves: as above
Marred Mask
Worn: on face or around neck
4:6 chance people do not remember or recognize you. Once a day, you may hunt or gather enough food for 1 meal without receiving the Ash Tongue Curse.
Nude Body
Used to climbing and creeping, running and leaping, swimming and grappling
Woven Harness
Worn: across chest
Can support 6 bags, pouches, baskets, sheathes, pouches, bundles, etc.
Whetworm Sheath and Heavy Machete
Worn: on hip
blade inserted into the Whetworm Sheath is gnawed to impossible
sharpness by the squirming brood inside; the next 3 cuts it makes can
cleave through anything up to the hardness and thickness of a birch tree
in a single stroke. A blade can be sharpened this way 4 times
before it is eaten away to nothing. the Whetworms must feed on steel
every day, or they die.
Blowgun, Poison, and Darts (12)
Worn: in sheath cross slung with pouch
choose one poison
anyone injected experiences no sensation but a slight anxiety, but if
startled they will convulse uncontrollably
Earth-Eater: anyone injected
will hunger for nothing but mud and dirt, though they can still be force
fed and metabolize ordinary food. they will eat the earth they walk on
as they go, making them extremely easy to track. it will take about 3 weeks to kill someone this way BUT a day’s worth of eaten stones or gravel counts as a week
Paste: anyone injected will sleepwalk relentlessly the next time they
go to sleep and will be prone to wandering away from where they laid
Bundle of Smothernet Webs (3 webs)
Worn: around neck
of invisible, clinging, airtight spiderweb. Unless they notice the one
smothering them, anyone whose head and face are caught in a smothernet
web will not notice their own asphyxiation, which occurs in 1d6 turns. A
Smothernet can also be inflated with air and worn over the head,
providing 2d4 turns of air that can be used to breathe underwater.
Bundle of Dead Thief's Poppy (6 doses)
Worn: in hair
a petal of this fleshy flower and smearing the scarlet goo onto a body
part prevents the flow of blood and all other microscopic movements of
life to that region while expanding the pores of the region so that it
may breathe and retain function. This lasts for 1d4 actions and stains
that body part unmistakably. Servants of Angbora will not forgive
someone marked this way and will hound them relentlessly if spotted. the "dead" body part feels no pain, making endurance actions much easier and aiding with contests of grip strength. It's also incredibly hard to detect by sound or motion, making pick pocketing etc. much easier. the "dead" body part can safely harvest or kill for food without receiving the Ash Tongue Curse
Bladder Worm
Worn: around waist
A worm that drinks copious amounts of any liquid it's placed in.
the liquid is either released as piss or can be sprayed out of the worm by squeezing it
piss is the same as whatever liquid it drank, but water is purified of
any foulness, which is what the worm subsists on. It needs to drink foul
water at least once every 3 days or it shrivels and dies. drinking
this piss does not inherit the Ash Tongue Curse since you are already
degrading yourself by drinking the piss of a worm. the worm is immune to acid and poison and resistant to heat. it
can hold enough liquid to quench 3 adults and spray it out with enough
force to fully drench someone fire hose style if squeezed at max
Tented Ribs
Worn: in you
By weirdly flaring your ribs and
exerting control over your body temperature you can become an impromptu
shelter that can protect one thing human size or smaller from wind,
rain, heat, or cold.
In addition, all but predators of human intelligence or greater are warded off. You cannot protect yourself this way. You cannot sleep or gain the effects of sleeping while in tent mode.
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i straight up do not know |
To buy goods stolen from Angbora is to inherit the
Ash-Tongued curse; all foods stolen from his Starving Majesty turn to
ash in your mouth. Twins, however, as one being with two bodies, can
safely conduct trade: one Twin (the Curse-twin) buys the goods, inheriting the curse,
then sells the goods to their sibling (the Grace-twin), who can buy them from their other
self without fear, breaking the chain of the curse and allowing the goods
to be sold safely to the masses. The Grace-twin eats the food they buy from the Curse-twin; the Curse-twin sucks blood though the skin of the Grace-twin to sustain themselves.
DICE (spend to take actions/attack/save against harm. come in different flavors, tracked separately)
Emperor's Grace: drops to 0 when you sleep. Then, +2 dice for each
filling meal that day that was not stolen from Angbora. Better quality meals let you roll a bigger die.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Laden: X, where is equal to the number of unique items in your
inventory. Attacking sends random items equal to damage dealt flying OR destroys 1 item (and any duplicates). Saving does the same but with damage taken, until you stand
bereft, with only your life to lose.
Actions: acting like you belong somewhere, attracting customers.
Attacks: swinging your bags at someone
Saves: absorbing physical damage
Debt-Holder: X where X
is the number of items you spent hiring these guys. Exceptional items
can count as more than one item. Saving always inflicts the worst possible outcome of the Save on the guy who sacrificed himself for you, and reduces X by 1 until you hire new guys.
Actions: anything your guys can help you with
Attacks: as above
Saves: anything your guys can take in your stead
Two Bodies in Scarlet Robes
Identical, used to fleeing and giving impressions of harmlessness
Two Trade Baskets
Worn: on the back, one for each twin.
Can carry 20 items each.
Guilt-Jade Frog
Carried: in trade basket
When stuffed with food, sweats d4 jade stones. The
jewels are real, but strive to return from the earth, and will rapidly
worm downward through any non-living material, leaving a thin tunnel
Stolen Onyx Painting
Carried: in trade basket, wrapped in large
Fragile, thin onyx tablet depicting the rulers of humanity
submitting to Angbora in return for the gift of horses. Worth 4 items in trade, stolen from a chief by a pair of thieves and sold to you. When chosen, 1d6 days until the chief’s men interrogate the thieves and catch up with you
Taming Leash
Worn: around wrist
placed around the neck of a beast smaller than the holder of the leash,
renders both it and the holder of the leash stunned and docile.
Orchid-Tongue Knife
Carried: wrapped in leaves in trade basket
Fleshy, stemlike. Useless in a fight, bends and breaks easily. Penetrates flesh without pain unless a bone is struck.
Basket of Original Earth
Carried: in trade basket
Any seeds
stolen from Angbora, when planted in this soil, rather than withering
and dying will grow and bear fruit within three days.
Tithing Needles
Worn: in a little wooden case around neck
two needle thin pieces of crystal, the frozen essence of an Id Hound extracted from someone's brain.
inserted into the eyes, you intuitively know how much it would cost you
to purchase any item or service from anyone you can study for at least a
minute. while the needles are in your eyes, if your head is jostled they will break and you will go blind
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Ravi Zupa i luv u |
You were a beast once and now your head is full of man-thoughts that aren't your own. You store ideas for other people; dreams too beautiful to die
along with the dreamer, secrets that even the keeper must not know,
madness that calls the Hounds close — all of these you pluck free with
your flute-hook and store inside your sturdy animal skull.
DICE (spend to take actions/attack/save against harm. come in different flavors, tracked separately)
Emperor's Grace: drops to 0 when you sleep. Then, +2 dice for each
filling meal that day that was not stolen from Angbora. Better quality meals let you roll a bigger die.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Flesh: starts at 20. When you sleep, gain back only a quarter of what you spent that day, rounded down.
Actions: any where being huge and heavy is helpful
Attacks: as above
Saves: as above
Studied: X where X is the number of
non-obvious facts you know about the target of your action.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Mountainous Body
Wrapped in Scented Robes
Used to standing firm and
soldiering on
Beast Head Studded with Jade Nails
Carried: in your skull.
Full of the dreams of
others; the nails can be removed to insert or extract new dreams.
Currently Contains:
- Knowledge of how to catch a cheating man at cards
- A frenzied dream of breaking into a clammy clay room and smothering your sleeping self
- A deep, leaden fear of swans
- The memory of losing yourself in the hugeness of sunrise
- A viper-cold rage towards holy men
- Unrelenting love for a harlequin half-seen through a tattered tent.
Flute Hook
Carried: in little black bag
Pliable, bends easily. If inserted into a living brain or a dead brain no older than a day and played by someone trained in its use, can coax a known and named idea near enough to be snagged on its hook.
Brick of Foul Incense, flint and steel
Carried: in a pouch
Nauseating indoors, scatters Hounds when first lit and buys you time against them.
Carried: in little black bag
cranked; when used on a willing or unconscious target, can painlessly
bore through bone in a few seconds, making a tiny hole through which thoughts can be listened to or a Flute
Hook can be inserted.
Dream-Charming Harp
Slung from Shoulder
with hundreds of nearly invisible strings. Sounds like a faint ringing
to waking ears, but played in the presence of sleepers, keeps them unconscious while the harp is played.
Dream-Eaters Mantra
Carried: In your brain
long as u can repeat this mantra you can't be knocked unconscious or put
to sleep by any means natural or otherwise, and every time you throw a
punch, you may consume an idea contained in ur skull. Dreams from creatures 8HD or higher let you roll D8s for damage, 10 or higher let you roll D10s, 12 or higher D12s. These strikes shatter up to two feet of stone or
anything weaker.
Dream-Eater's Stomach
Carried: in your guts
You can eat a dream contained in your skull. it counts as a meal for Emperor's grace. Dreams from creatures 8HD or higher let you gain 1D8 Dice, 10HD or higher 1D10, 12 or higher 1D12.
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from Jugend magazine tho not sure abt the artist |
This is a lie the Holy Cowards tell: that the first of their order was a mouse, who, fleeing death at the hands of a hawk, chewed his way into the woven chest of Babjo. There, he lay hidden, learning how the Splendid Coward cajoled the truths of his own heart into artifice and deception, so that when they were spoken, his lies themselves had become convinced of their veracity. When Babjo discovered the interloper, he questioned him angrily, but the mouse replied “I was never here,” and Babjo, half laughing, half convinced, let him go free.
DICE (spend to take actions/attack/save against harm. come in different flavors, tracked separately)
Emperor's Grace: drops to 0 when you sleep. Then, +2 dice for each
filling meal that day that was not stolen from Angbora. Better quality meals let you roll a bigger die.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Trust: 3X where X is the number of fearsome and intimidating lies currently believed about you. Whenever you spend Trust, the witness/target/attacker of your action/attack/save realizes the lie and you may not spend anymore Trust around this person until you successfully lie to them again.
Actions: must relate to one or more of the lies and witnessed by someone who believes them.
Attacks: must relate to one or more of the lies and target someone who believes them.
Saves: must relate to one or more of the lies and resist someone who believes them.
Terror: 3X where X is the number of reasons they have to fear your appearance. Whenever you attack with Terror, the target of your Attack realizes that your appearance was all for show and you may not spend Terror against them until they have a new reason to fear your appearance.
Actions: intimidation and shock
Attacks: must relate to your fearsome appearance
Saves: none
Small, Plump Body, Wrapped in a Habit of Coarse Grasses
Used to tumbling and falling
Fieldmouse Mitre
Worn: on head
Woven of straw, filled with loyal field mice who will obey any instruction an uneducated mouse could feasibly perform
Landfill Reliquary
Worn: around neck on woven strap
Made of rusted metal and dry-rot wood, big enough to house a head-size object. Lies about the quality of goods pulled from the reliquary are automatically believed for 2d4 minutes
Deluded Grapevine Angel
Follows: at your heels
A little construct of dried vines. Can be deluded into believing it is a holy servant and coming to life. doubt sets in 2d4 minutes after the lie is told, and it won’t believe again until it has been convincingly treated as such while inanimate. While living, binds sinners on command, whispering gibberish scriptures to them.
Preaching Liquor
Carried: in a clay jug dangling at your hip
Effect lasts for 1d4 hours; during this time, you may not speak the truth, but all dice rolled to lie are +1 step (D6 to D8 etc.)
Little Brothers
Carried: on the back in a little basket.
Two tiny clay figures, carefully shaped to believe the lie of life, they begin to doubt it 2d4 turns after the lie is told, and won't believe again until they have been convincingly treated as such while inanimate in 3 significant situations. While living, they mimic any action taken by the Holy Coward or their mice.
Workmen Rats
Carried: in your Mitre
Loyal to you, with teeth strong enough and intelligence great enough to fashion anything out of plant matter. Anything that you can feasibly describe in a single sentence and is no larger than a horse, takes a full day's work, and anything you can describe in a single word and can physically lift takes 1d4 turns.
Twin-Hair Shroud
Worn: around your shoulders
By wrapping a creature fully in the shroud and weaving their hair into the shroud itself while lying to them about their beauty, you may transform the shroud into a clumsy doppelgänger of the person in the shroud. This takes a full day. The doppelgänger comes to life as soon as the person's hair is severed from their head, and is perfectly loyal to the Holy Coward and perfectly convincing to anyone who has not touched it. It remains animate until a turn passes where it is not actively treated as the person it is imitating in a new way or by a new person. It has the same HD as the original creature, is highly flammable, can't perform any tasks that require weight or rigidity, but can contort itself as a rope can, and has enough strength to strangle anything human size or smaller.
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Goa Gajah in Bali :0 |
Spitting in the face of the Starving Emperor, the Siren is a hermit, calling their food into their jaws, never stealing, never taking, only cajoling. His Hungry Majesty is not fooled, and his servants vex the Siren constantly.
DICE (spend to take actions/attack/save against harm. come in different flavors, tracked separately)
Emperor's Grace: drops to 0 when you sleep. Then, +2 dice for each
filling meal that day that was not stolen from Angbora. Better quality meals let you roll a bigger die.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Camouflage: X where X is the number of hiding places in the scene that you can name but have not yet hidden in. Spending Camouflage forces you to choose one of those places: you are now hidden in there.
Actions: any that benefit from being hidden
Attacks: as above
Saves: any
Patience: 3X where X is the number of actions a swallow-able creature has taken within arms reach of you.
Actions: none
Attacks: biting and chewing and swallowing them
Saves: none
Handless Body, Jaw Unhinged
Used to staying perfectly still and singing beautifully
Amputated hands; removed to prevent the hunger-driven temptation to seize and clutch and steal.
A mouth full of something else's tongue and teeth. Provided that you only ever touch it with your mouth, you may eat food you have hunted for without suffering the Ash-Tongue Curse. Instead, check for an Encounter. If there is one, it's Servants of Angbora.
Haunting, Bewildering Voice
Carried: in your tongue
so long as your listeners cannot see you, you can direct their movement in broad strokes; they are unaware of your control over their steps
Mud-Filled Mind
Carried: in your skull
through the nose and ears and eyes the mind is filled with mud and seeded with moss and sprouts. to all but the closest mental scrutiny your consciousness appears to be that of a plant. Hounds of Id will shun you if you lie still, and any who taste your flesh are afflicted with the Ash-Tongue curse, and know it.
Flock Breaking Song
Carried: in your heart
When sung, instills a deep instinctual dread of all other beings in the listeners; beasts without speech will scatter from each other, fleeing in all directions, speaking animals will make excuses or accusations to justify their departures. After singing the Flock Breaking Song, cumulative -4 to reaction rolls for the next day.
Worn: around your neck
blue snakes, long and plump and twined around your neck; from here they can strike out to about 4 feet from you. So long as each day they are fed the first thing you “catch,” they will serve you loyally.
Drowning-Fire Infestation
Carried: on your tongue
Your tongue is lined with scarlet and honey gold Drowning-Fire. When crushed against the roof of your mouth, they release a cloud of flame colored spores which can be blown out of your mouth. If inhaled, the spores consume the majority of the oxygen their host breathes, and the victim must do nothing but breathe heavily and rapidly if they don’t wish to suffocate.
Crawling Mountain
Following: 1 day behind you
A Crawling Mountain follow you; 12HD megafauna as large as a small hill. Something like a toad, an ox, a grub. Hugely porous skin that weeps thick adhesive which binds the rubble of its passing (trees, boulders, small buildings to its body as a carapace). Usually an ambush predator like yourself, (letting whole herds enter the caverns of its mouth) but in love with your voice; each day that you sing it gets 1 day closer. Doesn't know how to communicate this love to you outside of the language of eating and swallowing.
Digestive Rebirth
Carried: in your gut
Your stomach acid is potent enough to completely digest your entire body, which enters a metabolic regenerative state and reconstitutes itself even as it's dissolved over the course of a day. Your skin is hot enough to boil water during this period, and, when it ends, you will be purged of all diseases, toxins, and curses, including the Ash-Tongue curse.
my beloved Akiya Kageichi |
A fox is a creature which does not exist; a flame-bright wolf, big enough to crush your skull with its jaws, far too large to be where it is; so silent too, lurking at the back of your tent, in the bottom of the coalmine, beneath the bed. they do not swallow children, they never take humans as fox-brides, and you will never hear them laugh. this is because while they are true, they are not real. they are living lies, creatures born to fulfill the truth of lies told by the best liars, the ones that the speakers believe themselves. The Holy Cowards of Babjo tell the truest lies, but they know better than to speak falsehoods to life. Others are not so careful. Foxes are not the only living lies, and certainly not the most dangerous, but they are perhaps the best known, so the half-real hunters of the un-real are called Fox Hunters.
DICE (spend to take actions/attack/save against harm. come in different flavors, tracked separately)
Emperor's Grace: drops to 0 when you sleep. Then, +2 dice for each
filling meal that day that was not stolen from Angbora. Better quality meals let you roll a bigger die.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Presence: If nobody in a scene knows your face or name, 3X where X is your Emperor's Grace. If at least one person knows your name, but not your face, 2X. If nobody's around, Presence doesn't work.
Actions: any
Attacks: any
Saves: any
Doubt: if your eyes are shut, 2X, where X is your Emperor's Grace
Half-Real Body
this is what happens to you if the only person in the whole world who knows you exist doubts that existence. You flicker, and stay half gone. At the end of each day, blow your Foxhorn, roll 1d3, and add that to the number of meals you've had for Emperor's Grace. Whenever anything affects you in a crowd (explosion, gas, rhetoric, whatever) flip a coin; heads, you're unaffected by it. Every time you're seen by someone new who has been in "earshot" of your Foxhorn, you can determine what you look like to them, including clothing and possessions. If you ever create a contradiction in how you're perceived, everyone who can see you will stop doing everything and try to kill you until the contradiction is resolved. Most Fox Hunters just stick with one appearance to avoid this.
impossibly escher twisted. makes no sound when blown, but check for an encounter anyway. If there is one, the GM describes it in one sentence via a round of telephone, and then determines the true nature of the encounter once the sentence has come back around to them.
3 Half-Real Items
Whenever you'd like, declare that one or more of these Half-Real items is non-unique item of your choice, blow your Foxhorn, and it will be. Once it is, it's no longer a Half-Real item.
Back-Turned Hands
Attached: at the ends of your wrists
By performing movement exactly in reverse, you can undo actions you have taken. Unstab someone you have killed, untrigger a trap you have stepped on, uncook a fried egg. You must spend twice the HD originally spent. Going more than 83 seconds back is inadvisable and counts as a contradiction as per Half-Real Body
Wire Bones
Carried: in your flesh
When in the dark and unseen, you can fit through any hole that can fit your skull. When in the dark, unseen and no one imagines you could be there, fit through any hole you can fit your thumb. It's advised not to explain how this power works, because your allies are not no ones.
Blue-Paint Blood
Carried: in your veins
By touching a surface with your blood, you may transform yourself into a painting, woven image, or carving (depending on the surface). The image must be the same size as you are, and any damage it suffers is suffered by you. You can emerge partially or completely from the surface at will. If you use this on an existing image of some kind, you are scaled proportionally to the image and look as though you were originally intended to be there.
Tin Heart
Carried: in your chest
You can project an invisible aura the size of a galleon or as small as a rat. For people who understand you, you will be treated as if you were as big as your aura. If your aura is bigger than you, it will cause them to avoid crossing that space or be accordingly intimated. The bravest or most reckless might see it as a challenge. If your aura is smaller than you, people will ignore or underestimate you.
Scarlet Thumbs
Attached: to your hands
Bury a tooth, or embed it in a surface. Anytime thereafter you can command the tooth to sprout into a copy of that creature's head, which bites everything it can reach for 1d6 turns before rotting into mulch. If the creature can speak, it will speak to you amicably if you let it bite you as hard as it can one time.
Fox Eyes
Carried: in your skull
Creatures can't break eye contact with you unless you let them. When they first catch your eye, they'll wait until you do something before taking any action. Once you've taken that action, they're free to do what they like without breaking eye contact.
Body as an inventory is an idea I see and I am not letting go of this one.
ReplyDeleteIn addition to this: thank you, this is extremely good.
Is there a particular game that this is for?
ReplyDeleteAnything with hit dice should convert pretty easily but in theory yeah, this is for a silly lil heartbreaker that I’ll probably post if there’s some interest; otherwise all the items are system agnostic :0
DeleteI mean, not only am I interested but you're actually one of my favorite ttrpg blogs. Is your game online? Can I play in it?
DeleteMy first thought was "there's nothing I'd rather play than a blasphemous siren..." but then I got to the fox hunter. These are all extraordinary. I love the use of variant hit dice for different goals, it's such an elegant way of focusing each character's expressive capabilities and making them unique! And there are so many fascinating, brain-teasing tools to use! And of course the integration of the ash-tongue curse and the focus on poaching life itself from the emperor has so much pathos to it. At first, with the notes on gods, I didn't quite understand the vibe, but I do now, and it's gorgeous!! <3