make better mind pictures

make better mind pictures
make everyone the most something
the most beautiful men, the tallest women etc. and once you’ve crossed one off that cannot be anyone elses thing. everyone should probably get 2 though.
giving you a table bc god forbid your gentle fingers feel the sting of labor
  1. tallest
  2. shortest
  3. fattest
  4. hungriest
  5. most beautiful
  6. ugliest
  7. most jealous
  8. most fickle
  9. angriest
  10. greasiest
  11. kindest
  12. cruelest
  13. most reverent
  14. most prudish
  15. most libertine
  16. fastest
  17. slowest
  18. most gullible
  19. most sheltered
  20. most experienced
ohhhh the fabulous baron munchausen 1962 looks so pretty but i just can't find it anywhere :(((( shut up and let mommy handle it kitten

the trick here is im not trying to conjure a specific guy for you. but you probably have an idea of what the worlds tallest cruelest man looks like, and he looks different from the worlds tallest most hungry man
restrict these qualities to certain regions/areas if you want a lazy and probably offensive shorthand for cultural difference. everyone knows the city of dogtooth has the shortest tempers and the most beautiful waiters. even from that half assed table above you can populate a map pretty quickly
eastland: most fickle,  most beautiful, tallest
westland: most experienced, kindest, greasiest
southland: most jealous, most libertine, most reverent
northland: fastest, angriest, cruelest
anyone you roll up from a particular region automatically gets 1 quality from the regional list and one other random one. 
analogies all the time.
you should be doing this nonstop. this is so easy. if you can't think of things for your other things to be, good thing ive got a list of things. thing thing thing thing thing. go with your first thought. initial, most obvious connections.
what if this person was a rotary phone. squat, concerned with communication and connection, aging into obsolescence. that's a whole guy for you. here's some more. i wrote each of these in under a minute to prove my point.
elder as porcelain: her hands tremble, bones rattling like a cup on a saucer. her hands are so smooth, and so fragile. blue flowers bloom up her arms, ink faded. 

porcelain as elder: seen a lot. chipped, dust filling in the wounds, so much a part of its structure that to remove it would be to destroy the thing itself. 

elder as lightning: for a moment, he stands electrically in his youth, and his potential is infinite. next, he settles back into himself, grumbling with the rage his genius leaves behind when it passes.

curse as rat: a gnawing filth. small things at first. spoiled food and grime. now marks in your flesh, wounds multiplying as through breeding on your body. your eyes dance awake at night, skittering wild around the room. 

rat as curse: it will not ever leave you. there is nothing you can do to keep it away. you deserve its company, its disease and its children. they live in the mouths of any who speak your name, tiny claws ripping their tongue as it scrabbles free. 

sea-urchin as wizard: in five years they have perhaps moved ten feet. touch them, chide or hasten them and get struck immediately with harsh pain and fevered poison, spells that linger in you until you discover their undoing and pull them free. their insides are treasured, each organ a feast. 
unnngggghhhh joooooo what if the things i thought of are thematically similar already what do i doooo
u are like a screaming shitting infant 
watch this
maggot as vulture; why has this horrid grub followed you? never touching, it crawls slow circles around your sleeping body, smelling something you have yet to become
vulture as maggot; the awful bird swimming in viscera like a worm, feathers bristle-slick and soaked. pupates in there; this how angels are made
get specific.
you might not have that many ideas about what a cliff is like or what it would be like for someone to climb it but what if that cliff was like a stupid guy who hates you. Just constant inane challenge, grit in your mouth, chunks of stone never coming that close to hitting you but showering you with pebbles regardless.  turning environments/objects/animals into particular people is a good way to make everything feel more unique and personified and interactive.

a cave that's a skinny twink with a weaponized eating disorder
obviously the tunnels are narrow and kind of graceful and playful in a really annoying way. lot of switchbacks or loops for no reason. really narrow spaces you could fit through if you just dropped a few items. gorgeous fossils in places you can't really see all of. 

and now u get Labyrinth of Darkness: Jiri Barta 1978 and you can tell all your friends and they'll all love you more than they ever have ever



    1. Hehe I did already link to it if u click the pic caption but thank u Max

    2. Aah I read the part where you said you couldn't find it but didn't see that you'd linked it after all.

      Anyway the only of these that I've seen is Color of Pomegranates but it's excellent and these others all also look amazing, looking forward to eventually checking these all out.

    3. I think u would get a lot out of them all! For u particularly Cabinet and the Fall

  2. Unreal movie selection oh my god. Everything in this post is a gift

  3. Really good stuff. Will defintly apply as much I apply your who was that generator

    Also, Ms Screwhead, if I may, I remember you having a page bout a gunslinger rpg/game. I remember saving it, but I can't seem to find in your site anymore. Something happened to it? Thanks!

    1. yeaaa its still around in my drafts but im distinctly unhappy with it so i wanna revise before i repost. if there's something you wanna see before then, i'd be happy to slap it in a google doc and share it with u tho!

  4. I'm currently running a maze of desecration and ghosts, of Piranesi and gluttony and duty as cages. You had me at The Fall, but the curses as rats really got me.

    1. this is such an awesome thing to say under my post I’m delighted I want to know more about this maze I think


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