
slicing up eyeballs (I want you to know)
girl, it's so groovy

she asked me what do you think scissoring is
i said i didn’t know and blushed.
no she said that’s just meat i’m talking
about two pairs of scissors
i’m talking about blades cutting one
another i’m talking about sex
so we got the knives out 
and we had sex 
rubbing the rusty blade of the box cutter along her dull
kitchen knife the razor jumping and kicking at the nicks in the edge

where the blade had bitten and broken biting

alas. source lost neath a sea of james mcavoy smut
debaser as resolution mechanic and she looks like this:
whoever degrades themselves the most wins :(((((
degradation, ranked least to most 

humiliating another
sacrificing an object
sacrificing another
humiliating the self
sacrificing the self
you fucking die
this is a heuristic. obviously each of these entries is a spectrum, and it's possible for example to sacrifice so many objects that you win over a humiliation of the self. it's also possible to combine them; a humiliating sacrifice of the self wins over a noble one. no hard and fast rules for determining victors aside from yr gut and gag reflex. 
a humiliation needs to significantly change things for whoever is getting their nose rubbed in it but the change isn't permanent or can be undone.
a sacrifice is a permanent loss of some ability to function.
each player or group describes their goal, then chooses in secret what degradation they're willing to subject themselves to. then, the reveal. 
whoever went lower must the perform that degradation, and then gets their way.
or, a bidding war.
the losing player can choose to degrade themselves further in order to win; the other player can then do the same until someone taps out, and which point, the other player wins and gets their way. each player has to carry out all of the degradations that they bid.
Instead of bidding to undercut their opponent, the losing player can become Bitter. 
A Bitter player admits defeat, but describes what degradation their opponent will need to inflict on themselves in order to win. If the winning player will not perform that degradation, then the Bitter Player has to perform their initial degradation but neither player gets what they want.
if it's a case of a player vs. environment, the GM instead writes down what they feel an appropriate degradation would be, and compare it to the one that's offered.
write this down. you are: 
  1. a mouth
    1. smile
    2. sneer
    3. bite
    4. kiss
    5. laugh
    6. spit
  2. a gut
    1. digest food
    2. stay sober
    3. don't puke
    4. don't get scared
    5. get horny
    6. stop getting horny
  3. two hands
    1. hit
    2. hold 
    3. fix
    4. break
    5. comfort
    6. choke
  4. two legs
    1. run
    2. walk
    3. wait
    4. kick
    5. dance
    6. stand
then, roll on that table five times; you can't do those things.
roll on this table twice. you have:
  1. a box cutter and a bad habit
  2. a fucking real fucking sword and someone who needs to die
  3. a motorcycle and something to prove
  4. a six pack (beer) and a bad party to get to
  5. a six pack (abs) and rent two weeks late
  6. a kid with a limp who's got a friend you hate
  7. a job bagging groceries and someone who won't get off your couch
  8. someone elses
  9. someone else’s uzi and a cop who’s been pushing you around
  10. a rusted truck and an uncle who needs a favor
  11. a fake ID and a hot date
  12. one of st. apollonia's teeth and a father who is going to murder you
  13. a velvet jacket and a midlife crisis
  14. a horse that loves the ocean and a missed opportunity
  15. a crystal ball and a lover who beats you
  16. a camper van and a lover who's onto you
  17. an impressive record collection and a disease that'll kill you
  18. a tiger tattoo and a group of guys you play dice with
  19. a sister who loves you and a pet monkey she hates
  20. a painting you need to finish and a mother who's dying
  21. a noose and one last chance
roll on this table once, you need
  1. to get respect
  2. to get laid
  3. to get famous
  4. to get so fucking rich without working hard
  5. to get really, really high
  6. to get back on the wagon
  7. to make or do one perfect thing
  8. to make them so so so sorry
  9. to settle down
  10. to find family
  11. to prove your point
  12. to find god
  13. to be smart
  14. to be feared
  15. to be hot
  16. to be loved
  17. to be a good person
  18. to make them proud
  19. to make a difference in someone’s life
  20. to feel something, all the time

now hit this until something clicks

one line is something your character says, the other is something they say about the player to your left's character.  

before you go anywhere, including when you first start, choose the other people, including other players, that you're going with. 
you don't get to choose where you go. 
When you want to leave someplace, the GM rolls to see where you end up, what time it is, the lens you see it though, and how many other people are there.
you need to be wherever you are though. once you know where and when you are and how you see it, you and whoever else who's there need to explain why you need to be there. 
where you are
  1. public bathroom stall
  2. in the stacks of a library
  3. the beach
  4. burger king parking lot
  5. someone's basement
  6. in line at the DMV
  7. an understocked CVS
  8. the waiting room of a clinic
  9. back seat of someone's car
  10. someone's roof
  11. the church of mary
  12. a curb
  13. a movie theater
  14. someone's living room
  15. a bar
  16. someone's bedroom
  17. a kid's bedroom
  18. a wedding reception
  19. a funeral reception
  20. the top of a hill over the city
what time it is
  1. dawn
  2. noon
  3. afternoon
  4. dusk
  5. midnight
  6. past midnight

how you see it

  1. natural vs artificial
  2. everything's trash
  3. everything's a dream
  4. growth from rot
  5. some things end and never come back
  6. everything is advertising
  7. everything is religion
  8. presence of the real sacred
  9. everything hates you
  10. tiny beauty somewhere
  11. fixed point in a turning world
  12. a moving thing in a world of sleep
people fucking everyyywhere i'm talking your apartment your car your bathroom stall. 
1d6 people are in your face wherever you are, and another 1d20 are in the immediate vicinity.

for each person
as needed, roll two to three times on the "you are:" table from character creation
these are the things this person is primarily doing or trying to do. 
use Pixie Pieces to see what stuff they're saying.
if one of their lines matches a player's, the other line is to, or about, that player's character.
if both of their lines match a players, they try to do one of the things they do to that character. 
if one of their lines matches one player and the other line matches another player's, both of those player's characters are obsessed with them. each needs to declare the nature of their obsession and then immediately have to debase themselves as per the rules until a winner is declared; that player achieves the goal of their obsession. 

i promise u that justin quinnell does not look how u imagine him


  1. Phenomenal stuff, as always. Ain't nobody else out here doing it like you

    1. wait thank u sapper aint nobody else out here commenting this like you <3

  2. Those character creation tables are phenomenal. Evocative, personal, emotional, defined by ragged lack. Shuyet spinning off for the after-light.

    1. this introduced me to the concept of Shuyet and that's a debt I'll struggle to repay <3


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