a hard place

as in, rock &. 
this isn't a very fun game to play but it's one you've probably played before. it's certainly one i've written before.

stuff you care about
1d20 three times. if you want more, clearly demonstrate the value in game when it's fucking difficult three different times
  1. fame
  2. parenting
  3. wonder
  4. hard work
  5. karma
  6. kindness
  7. self sufficiency
  8. communication
  9. privacy
  10. faith
  11. beauty
  12. power
  13. wealth
  14. friendship
  15. hospitality
  16. knowledge
  17. legacy
  18. pleasure
  19. health
  20. purity
how you come across
1d6 > 1d10 twice and arrange them in any order you like, ie; alien king, dizzy cowboy
    1. king 
    2. psycho
    3. hot
    4. hunger
    5. superiority
    6. casual
    7. cannibal
    8. cruelty
    9. high-roller
    10. romantic 
    1. dreamer 
    2. stupid 
    3. scumfucker
    4. fairytales
    5. snot
    6. cynic 
    7. scabby
    8. flower 
    9. rot
    10. ugly
    1. mystery
    2. cowboy
    3. melancholy
    4. lonely
    5. breezy
    6. silly
    7. slacker
    8. bubblebabble
    9. sharpsuit
    10. mirror
    1. keen
    2. quick
    3. clean
    4. edge
    5. poise
    6. perfect
    7. awkward
    8. angel
    9. alien
    10. balance
    1. dizzy
    2. dog
    3. grit
    4. spitshine
    5. loud
    6. laughing
    7. bitter
    8. brawler
    9. messy
    10. obsessive
    1. wide eyed
    2. watcher
    3. tonguetied
    4. genius
    5. paranoia
    6. innocence
    7. curious
    8. simple
    9. serious
    10. naive

Aquariax Uno is awesome because if you looked at his art without knowing his name i do believe your brain would come up with "Aquariax Uno" all on its own

you're always stuck. it's never easy. the world is set against you; opening a pickle jar invites stupid broken glass disaster.

you can succeed on their terms
you must be able to describe how what you're doing betrays one of your values and mark it with an X
(at three Xs you can't betray that value any more than you have; erase it or keep lying to yourself.)
the GM narrates your success and the outcome and you react to that. they can't take away your success, but they can do anything else. 

you can fail on your own terms
you can always choose to fail. if you do, you get to describe your failure and the outcome, and the GM reacts to that. you can't undo your failure, but you can do anything else.
if you chose to succeed on their terms, you may change your mind after the GM narrates the outcome and choose to fail on your own terms instead. the X by the value you betrayed remains though. 


you can freak out
you must be able to do two of the following:
- get physically hurt
- physically hurt someone you don't want to
- cause a scene
- betray someone's trust

if you do, then you get to describe your success and the outcome, and the GM reacts to that. 
if you have no more values left, you can't succeed on their terms anymore; the only way to succeed is to freak out. the first time you freak out with no values, add "die" to the list of things you can do to freak out. each time you freak out with no values, mark the options you chose with an X; you can no longer choose those options. 

as the GM, whenever you describe a success/failure and outcome, choose one or more of these things to do and do it.
    1. Confirm the stuff they're worried about, as though they’d caused it
    2. Punish them for not being someone else
    3. Promise that next time it'll be different
    4. Suddenly, unavoidably, make them understand how ugly they are
    5. Show them how much they’re missing
    6. Pervert their wants
    7. Needle them with little petty bullshit
    8. Make things easy for whoever who hurts them
    9. Make shit worse and worse and worse for them
    10. Reward their brutality
    1. Let those they love see them at their worst
    2. Never let them feel safe
    3. Drive home the pain of banality
    4. Stifle their impact
    5. Suggest patterns
    6. Show them the world's idiocy
    7. Make them feel misunderstood
    8. Give them a scapegoat
    9. Show them how close they are to disaster
    10. Take away what they need
    1. Offer a reward
    2. Let them almost touch success
    3. Give them stuff they don't care about
    4. Put their relationships between them and their success
    5. Punish them for shit someone else did
    6. Let their suffering make someone else's life better
    7. Show them the futility of fight AND flight
    8. Reward them for enduring suffering
    9. Dangle safety out of reach
    10. Make them dependent on those who hurt them


Pablo I Prada understands the sinister qualities inherent to a leather couch
 now u can start the game. the GM can roll once or twice for how it begins. if they ever don't know what comes next, they can roll to find out.

    1. betrayal
    2. sudden death
    3. pointless indignity
    4. embarrassing mercy
    5. shameful memory
    6. sudden hope
    7. cruel metaphor
    8. scathing monologue
    9. contrasting scene
    10. doom spiral
    11. bitter personification
    12. moment of adoration
    1. unjust punishment
    2. chance to get even
    3. random slight
    4. sudden escalation
    5. voyeur
    6. mocking denial
    7. furious delusion
    8. sickening parallel
    9. paranoid mania
    10. power trip
    11. gratuitous gore
    12. horrified begging
    1. exultation
    2. obvious omen
    3. chain of banal bad luck
    4. epiphany
    5. naïve suck-up
    6. chance to sneer 
    7. awesome awesome dream 
    8. wretched, useless awakening 
    9. misread interaction
    10. tempting fragment
    11. weird message
    12. overheard threat
    1. obscene montage
    2. near-death acquaintance
    3. new product
    4. party invite
    5. everything catching up with you
    6. hurting a friend
    7. smothering concern
    8. power play
    9. new perspective
    10. blissful trance
    11. unexpected shortage
    12. desperate enemy

    1. loved one lashing out
    2. pitiful apology
    3. display of weakness
    4. whining victim
    5. martyr complex
    6. destroyed comfort
    7. peaceful death
    8. commiseration
    9. self righteousness
    10. end in sight
    11. soothing touch
    12. godawful waiting

    1.  dizzying luxury
    2. plea for charity
    3. sudden health problem
    4. lost asset
    5. bad deal
    6. incompetent subordinate
    7. new trend
    8. cruel chance for capital
    9. showboating rival
    10. parasitic friend
    11. catalogue of beauty
    12. needing just a little more 

