a different game (it's the same game)

get Amanda Lepore OUT of there David LaChapelle i am TRYING to talk to her about GAMES

the game we (you and i) usually play is a realist one

not like realistic but most of the time we are essentially trying to say hey what WOULD happen in this scenario IF it was happening in REALITY. Right? like we give modifiers and advantage and tweak the odds to better adhere to our idea of the reality; my strong guy should have a better chance of lifting that because in reality strong guys are good at lifting.

what about a different game?

no really

trust me
Sanyu Koo i would trust u with anything

the group chooses the game you're going to play: BEAUTY, SCANDAL, TRAGEDY, BRUTALITY, SENSUALITY

do anything. take some actions, state some truths, answer some questions, make some things happen

roll 2d6 beat 7 for a compromise beat 9 for the whole entire
you know the deal it's cute

like usual, the GM will give u modifiers that increase or decrease your odds of success based on whether your success or failure best aligns with the game you're trying to play.  if you're playing a game of beauty, your odds of success are greater if it would be beautiful for you to succeed, and worse if it would be more beautiful for you to fail. 
Gerda Wegener girl i KNOW

now what about another game, not so different after all?

all as above except that the group should determine what the opposite of their chosen game is. BEAUTY/UGLY, SCANDAL/SEEMLY and so on.

 now, instead of clinging to the antiquated binary of success or failure, the die roll determines whether the outcome of the action reinforces or subverts the game of choice? so a roll in the game of scandal determines whether the outcome of the action is scandalous or seemly, and the GM tilts the odds in the favor of whichever seems to be the more plausible. 

me giving you these games is a lot like つり河 giving you a fish with no belly. maybe.

and now for a third game... unless, of course, we've been playing the same one all along. since birth, even! but surely not. 

as above, except instead of relying on our societally provided binaries, we create our own: BEAUTY/SPEED, TRAGEDY/FARCE etc. This is fun since by pairing unlikely qualities, we inform the game's perspective on them; the game of BEAUTY/SPEED necessarily ascribes a certain slowness to beauty and a certain ugliness to speed. 
get ur nose out of my nose Stasys Eidrigevicius
last, but not least; if we have, in fact, been playing the same game all along, why force the table into a false consensus. let each player choose the game they wish to play; one might play the game of BRUTALITY/FILTH while another plays the game of WONDER/LONELINESS and another plays only the game of LOVE -- all however, seated at the same table, playing the same game. 

M.C. Escher💋


  1. I like 3 and 4 especially; a simple mechanic that requires but also guides a re-examination of the rules of the world and how one thinks of the nature of things.

    This is almost like an inversion of a Lasers & Feelings system, except rather than being centered around the nature of an individual, it's centered around the nature of the world (or even in 4, in how each individual interfaces with the world).

    Really cool, I'll be thinking about this.

  2. You are far-and-away my favorite RPG blogger I've discovered in a long time. Really excellent work.


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