monstrous amendments

Shuji Imai is hella underrated and for WHAT

the laws of the monstrous state that all monsters are formed by the mingling of unlike elements in one unsettling frame, the being's essence alien to itself. yeah i'm trans what about it. 

since i wrote those laws, two more sets have been drafted; the laws of mastery governing ability and skill, the laws of the land determining the nature of the earth itself. 

now, with the conditions and limitations of those two sets in mind, I've amended the laws that rule monstrosity, creating a more chimeric and chaotic generator, and a set of true statements to bind the beast's nature. 

additionally, this is sort of the logical extension of the idea i was wrestling with in my puzzlebox monsters post, and i think does a good job of making the concept more elegant and really solidifying the idea that monsters have these kind of dire fairytale truths about them that must be avoided/exploited. ideally, a game played with these laws might achieve the satisfaction of system mastery while retaining the flexibility of fiction-first freeform. 

Akiya Kageichi is fuckin unmatched imo

Monstrous Amendments
The greater the might of the monstrosity, the more the binds of law sculpt and squeeze it. Such is the way of the world. 

  1. can't be hit unless
    1. restrained
    2.  knocked prone
    3.  flanked
    4. hit from behind
    5. dismounted
    6. disarmed
    7. unshielded
    8.  blinded
    9. deafened
    10. cannot smell you
    11. cannot see you
    12. you can't see them
    13. you can't hear them
    14. you can't smell them
    15. hit by ranged attack
    16. hit by melee attack
    17. their stomach is empty
    18. their feet touch the earth
    19. they trust you
    20. they are distracted
  2. can't be (1d6, 1-3: harmed, 4-6: killed)...
    1. by slashing attacks
    2. by piercing attacks
    3. by crushing attacks
    4. by unblessed weapons
    5. except by fire
    6. except by silver
    7. by iron weapons
    8. unless doused in water
    9. while in the water
    10. while in the sunlight
    11. while in the moonlight
    12. while their feet touch the earth
    13. unless in sunlight
    14. unless in moonlight
    15. except by destroying their eyes
    16. except by damaging their insides
    17. except by destroying their heart
    18.    one
      1. who has never killed
      2. who utters their true name
      3. who truly loves them
    19.     except by beheading
    20.     except by destroying their phylactery
  3. can always hit you if
    1. you are standing still
    2. they can see you
    3. they can hear you
    4. they can smell you
    5. you can see them
    6. you can hear them
    7. you can smell them
    8. you cannot see them
    9. they are flanking you
    10. they are grabbing you
    11. you are bleeding
    12. you are standing in a group
    13. they are mounted
    14. you are dismounted
    15. you trust them
    16. if they are attacking from range
    17. if they are attacking from melee
    18. they hit you from behind
    19. you are prone
    20. you are hungry
  4. (1d6, 1-2: whenever, 3-4; every 2 times, 5-6: every 3 times) this monster strikes you it...
    1. destroys
      1. a limb
      2. a hand or foot
      3. a piece of armor
      4. a weapon or shield
      5. your food
      6. your looks
    2. swallows you
    3. pins you to the ground
    4. makes you their servant
    5. makes you bleed out
    6. sends you flying
    7. grabs or restrains you
    8. disarms you
    9. steals a treasure
    10. blinds you
    11. makes you mute
    12. deafens you
    13. saps your strength
    14. hobbles your speed
    15. drives you mad
    16. implants a parasite in you
    17. knocks you prone
    18. sets you on fire
    19. stuns you
    20. latches onto you
  5. when this monster (1d6, 1-2: is struck, 3-4: reaches half health, 5-6: dies) it... 
    1. grows a new...
      1. limb
      2. head
    2. unleashes an area attack centered on itself
    3. transforms into another monster
      1. fully healed
      2. still as wounded
    4. releases a smaller creature from inside itself
    5. divides into two weaker versions of itself
    6. grows in...
      1. size
      2. speed
      3. strength
    7. becomes resistant to the type of attack that struck it
    8. gains the ability to mimic the attack that struck it
    9. gains a new...
      1. ranged attack with an effect from table 4
      2. melee attack with an effect from table 4
    10. strikes you with a unique attack with an effect from table 4
  6. this monster is usually
    1. riding a steed
    2. being ridden
    3. above you
    4. below you
    5. found in pairs
    6. in a swarm
    7. waiting in ambush
    8. issuing a challenge to you
    9. hunting for...
      1. prisoners
      2. food
      3. treasure
    10. protecting
      1. its young
      2. its master
      3. its home
      4. a treasure
*if a monster has an on-death ability trigger that would be meaningless if it died (for example, growing a new head), the monster does not die, but remains one hit away from death, and the ability does not trigger again. 

is this Nagai???? maybe??? maybe not???

Drowned Raven Knight
Subtle + Crowned + Steed
Cables + Raven + Chains
can't be hit unless unshielded
can't be killed while in the water
fallen knight of the air, bound to his horse which is in turn bound with rusty chains to the bottom of the lake he drowned in. bedraggled raven crowning his head, wet and choking. wields a great winged shield that speeds his reactions, allowing him to effortlessly deflect attacks as it flits from side to side, sweeping his shield arm with it. in his other hand, a thread-thin cat-o-nine-tails, barely visible. so long as he is bound to the lake, his chains will not let him die, moving his body no matter how pained and broken. he wants more than anything to be free, but should he ask, the chains move to cover his mouth and gag him. 

Canker Burl
Mutation + Wood + Claws
Goblin + Innocent + Sores
when this monster reaches half health it strikes you with a unique attack that blinds you
can always hit you if you are hungry
ropy, brambled wood growths with fat clusters of scarlet berries. bud from the wood of old, withered trees that have been smothered away from sunlight by their kin, turning to flesh to feed themselves. Their false fruits are hard for the hungry to resist, but any hand that reaches is caught by cruel claws that leave lingering sores, flesh wrinkling into calcified buboes that prevent the wound from healing. striking them is a risky game; as they near destruction, the berries burst into sprays of caustic, clinging sap that burns and blinds. Children are warned to bring food with them into the woods; the forest provides no free meals. 

Vainglory Ghouls
Weight + Mocking + Clammy
Madness + Gnash + Promise
every 2 times this monster hits you it destroys your looks
this monster is usually above you
can always hit you if you are standing still
heavy folds of clammy skin, eyes bulging with jealous hatred under leathery eyelids. hang above you like huge teardrops, weighty with anticipation. endless inane mockery; childish taunting to chanted bigotry. slow moving; want you to engage, to stand still long enough to drop their mass on you, crushing the air from your lungs, blunt teeth ripping at your face, gnashing until it is as ugly as their own.

Radiant Angler-Wasp
Radiant + Leather + Exhaustion
Hook + Rattling + Lightning
can't be killed unless in sunlight
can always hit you if you can't see them
when this monster would die, it transforms into another monster (still as wounded, so 1 hit from death)
little lights in the darkness; coins, or phosphorus, gleaming crystal? bait; touch it, and your hand seizes closed around it. flashes of bioelectricity faintly illuminate a line, leading to the withered, nearly mummified angler. sapping your living energy into itself as you grow faint. the body is only a shell, a shelter for the real being. once it feeds enough, it will burst free, something like a wasp, a lightbulb, a satellite dish of coiled intestine, brain, and raw lightning. it'll fill as many hosts as it can with its electric seed, intent on birthing the next generation. natural light will melt the shell before the thing hatches; you'll stand a better chance as the premature pupae quivers. 

Lonely Gut Weaver
Terror + Dissection + Weaving
Wounds + Ogre + Lonely
can always hit you if you are bleeding
when this monster strikes you it makes you mute
fractal fingers; tiny needle hands tipping each sword length digit, microscopic hands atop the fingers of those, down and down and down. will unmake you entirely, wear your whole being in a blood-shroud around his shoulders. in this way staves off the loneliness. your tongue is the first to go; hard to work over wailing and whimpering. hums to himself in the brutal silence, draws blood out of your wounds like string. .

The Sleipnir Witch
Blindness + Cannibalizing + Passion
Witch + Mare + Arrows
can't be hit unless hit from behind
usually protecting its young
horse headed, blind, her empty sockets full of arrows sheathed in the grey matter of her brain. eight arms, four planted in the earth, the others wielding two bows of grey ash. broad back bent under the weight of her sharp-toothed children, who cling to the rough mane that runs from her scalp down her spine. her belly is marked with the scars of where they gnawed the teats from her body. they ate her eyes when she had nothing left to feed them. each of her children would make an unmatched familiar. she fights only to protect them, fires unceasingly ahead of her. arrowheads poisoned with the passions of her brain-blood; if it enters your bloodstream, her furious love of her children becomes your own. 


  1. You have been absolutely killing it with these generators recently. It's impressive how seamlessly they weave together story/flavor inspo with actual gameable challenges, which is something I find discouragingly rare in a lot of oracular generation tools

  2. Devilman! You always have great art in your posts! These monsters are also really cool, and you know I love the use of Words like this.

  3. fuck yes ... FUCK YES!!!

    This is perfect! Together with your laws of the land and Paddy hutchinsons "This town of ours" this makes the perfect set of "create through taboos"-tools.

    Ah, this is so exciting! My sideways-walking crab-brain can't wait to try this out!

  4. I adore this, and wanted to leave a note to express.


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